--- /dev/null
+// steam_shader_stats.php - A small PHP script to display what apps Steam is
+// currently processing shaders from, since with the new Steam UI update,
+// this information is no longer visible in the Steam GUI
+$fossilizeList = [];
+$appList = [];
+exec("ps ax | grep shadercache | grep -v grep", $fossilizeList);
+// if the process list ends up returning nothing, Steam isn't currently processing shaders
+if (empty($fossilizeList)) {
+ $output = "Steam is not currently processing shaders in the background.\n";
+ exec ("notify-send \"".$output."\"");
+ echo $output;
+// get each matching appid from the process list output and put it into a list
+foreach ($fossilizeList as $fossilize) {
+ preg_match('/\/\d*\//', $fossilize, $matches);
+ foreach ($matches as $match) {
+ $match = str_replace('/', '', $match);
+ array_push($appList, $match);
+ }
+// grab the game name using the unofficial Steam store API
+// we can assume that since Steam only processes shaders for one game at a time
+// that all appids in the list will match and we can just pull the first one
+// Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57031685/how-can-i-get-details-about-an-steam-appid-from-steam-web-api
+// Source: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/User:RJackson/StorefrontAPI#appdetails
+if (isset($appList)) {
+ $url = "https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids=".$appList[0];
+ $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
+ $gameName = $json[$appList[0]]['data']['name'];
+ $output = "Steam is processing shaders for app ID ".$appList[0]." (".$gameName.") in the background.\n";
+ exec ("notify-send \"".$output."\"");
+ echo $output;